Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission: JPEF 2021
This time we have very exciting news for you!
All the selected abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Diabetes & Technology.
For more details:- https://www.ijdt.org/

Announcing an exciting opportunity for Modern medicine doctors, Dietitians, Researchers and Allied healthcare professionals in India and abroad to submit their original scientific research abstracts related to the field of diabetes to ‘Jothydev's Professional Education Forum (JPEF) Annual Diabetes Convention 2021’.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Avoid abbreviations in the title.

Thematic Area: Please choose diabetes as the thematic area.

Preference: For presentation in a poster session or an oral session.

Abstract: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 350 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Standard abbreviations may be used as such. Non-standard abbreviations if any should be inserted in parentheses after the first appearance of abbreviation.

Abstracts will be screened and selected by an independent expert committee for oral/poster presentations. Originality of research, data adequacy, and clarity of exposition will be the determinants in the abstract selection process. Know More


Chairperson: Dr.Raveendran A.V

Members: Dr.Sumesh Raj, Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev, Ms.Gopika Krishnan

Abstract submission site is closed. For enquiry, contact JPEF secretariat.

Phone Number: +91 9495346200, +91 9496246200, +91 8138946200

Email: jpefaward@jothydev.net

Contact Us


JPEF Conference Secretariat
Jothydev's Diabetes Research Center, JDC Junction,Konkalam Road, Mudavanmugal, Trivandrum. PIN: 695032, Kerala, India