E-Poster Submission

General specifications

  1. The E-poster will be displayed on standard Landscape Format
  2. File format should be High-Resolution JPEG/PDF/PPT.
  3. Single JPEG/PDF/PPT should be uploaded.
  4. E Poster should be in 16:9 (with around 300 dpi)
  5. Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit a static JPEG (Not GIF etc)

Design specifications

  1. The E-poster needs to be created in the below mentioned format
    1. Each Poster title should be placed in a title placeholder
    2. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgements
    3. The poster should be self-explanatory. The text should be brief and well organized
    4. The font chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica)
  2. Color suggestions:
    1. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green)
    2. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan)
    3. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read
  3. Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.


Contact Us


JPEF Conference Secretariat
Jothydev's Diabetes Research Center, JDC Junction,Konkalam Road, Mudavanmugal, Trivandrum. PIN: 695032, Kerala, India