JPEF 2021 will be live at: www.jpefvirtual.in

Dear Friends,

Education, in essence, is the pursuit of an endless journey towards acquiring knowledge to be a better version of ourselves. 2021 marks the centennial of the discovery of insulin. By knitting together the diverse scientific sessions and pioneers in diabetes treatment and care, Jothydev’s Professional Education Forum (JPEF) is privileged to announce its 9th Annual Global Diabetes Convention 2021 which will be held virtually on 9, 10 and 11 July 2021.

With its long-term vision to curtail the global diabetes burden, JPEF has emerged as one of the biggest of its kind in India that offers healthcare professionals the state of the art approaches and the latest advancements in diabetes care and technologies. The three-day convention organized by JPEF under the aegis of P.Kesavadev Trust is in association with DiabetesIndia.

The theme of the 9th JPEF Annual Global Diabetes Convention is ‘Saving Lives, Making The Impossible Possible!’ Sugars have been the greatest challenge during these Covid times at homes, at hospitals, at wards, at ICU, in critical care and even in Mucormycosis. In 2021 JPEF, we will evolve realistic solutions for the impossible to be possible.

The Virtual Convention will feature presentations that highlight cutting-edge innovations in diabetes research, prevention, and care. We make great efforts to promote contemporary learning styles similar to the previous years, with scientific sessions of the world's most sought-after diabetes experts on the recent and exciting innovations in all areas of diabetes and provide a unique opportunity to diabetes health care professionals to expand their professional competency.

We cordially welcome all the physicians, researchers, students and delegates to take part in the 9th consecutive year of JPEF Annual Global Diabetes Convention 2021. We assure attendees who partake in JPEF 2021 interactive and engaging experiences through the JPEF virtual platform from the comfort and safety of your home or office.

Looking forward to seeing you soon at JPEF 2021!
Kind regards,
Jothydev Kesavadev
For JPEF Organizing Team


Contact Us


JPEF Conference Secretariat
Jothydev's Diabetes Research Center, JDC Junction,Konkalam Road, Mudavanmugal, Trivandrum. PIN: 695032, Kerala, India